Ulli Nolting from Weledeh Catholic School – Coach of the Month
November 29, 2016 by admin
Filed under Provincial and Territorial News
As a Territorial Table Tennis Association, it has been amazing to work with Ulli Nolting in the last month. Not just has he offered his equipment to us for the Table Tennis clinics that we offered in Yellowknife in the month of November, but also his time and love for the sport. He spent […]
NSSAF Interscholastic Sports Suspended December 5, 2016
November 29, 2016 by admin
Filed under Provincial and Territorial News
Notice from NSSAF Board Chair On behalf of the Board of Governors of the Nova Scotia School Athletic Federation, I must inform all schools that in response to the NSTU notification of “work to rule” job action beginning December 5, 2016 all interscholastic sport will be suspended beginning 12:01am December 5, 2016 . This […]
BC Sport Conference
November 29, 2016 by admin
Filed under Canadian Sport Features
2017 BC Sport Conference Information.pdf The BC Sport Conference, a one-day multi-sport coaching conference held on Saturday, January 14th 2017. It is designed to help coaches perform at their best level for each athlete and team that they work with. The conference is bundled together with optional sport-specific Coaching Symposium (Sunday, January 15th), making for […]
NWTSAF Junior Table Tennis
November 27, 2016 by admin
Filed under Provincial and Territorial News
Weledeh Catholic School and Table Tennis North hosted the 2016 NWT School Table Tennis Championships in Yellowknife on Sat. November 26th. The idea was very simple, play as many matches as possible. Therefore, organizers decided to create 2 big Round Robins, mixed boys and girls, grades 6 and 7, one group, and grades 8 to 12, […]
2016 BCSS Boys’ Volleyball
November 27, 2016 by admin
Filed under Provincial and Territorial News
2016 BCSS BOYS VOLLEYBALL CHAMPIONSHIPS GOLD SILVER BRONZE A Kelowna Christian Knights Centennial Christian Skyhawks Richmond Christian Eagles AA Langley Christian School College Heights SS Mennonite Education Institute AAA Semiahmoo SS Kelowna SS Dover Bay SS Kelowna Christian Knights The 2016 BC “AA” & “AAA” Boys’ Provincial Championship Tournaments will […]
ASAA 2016 Volleyball Championships
November 27, 2016 by admin
Filed under Provincial and Territorial News
2016 ASAA VARSITY VOLLEYBALL CHAMPIONSHIPS GOLD SILVER BRONZE Girls’ A Provost Panthers École Mallaig Stingers Bawlf Wildcats Boys’ A École Mallaig Stingers Senator Gershaw Gators Acme Redman Girls’ AA Spirit River Regional Academy Rimbley Jr/Sr High School Edmonton Christian Boys’ AA Central Alberta Christian Rundle College St Michael (Pincher Creek) GIRLS’ AAA St Joseph […]
BCSS Subway Bowl’s Semifinal Saturday
November 27, 2016 by admin
Filed under Provincial and Territorial News
Subway Bowl’s semifinal Saturday: Under the dome at B.C. Place Stadium HOWARD TSUMURAMore from Howard Tsumura Published:November 26, 2016 Updated:November 26, 2016 8:00 PM PST Notre Dame quarterback Steven Moretto was at it again Saturday at the dome. (Gerry Kahrmann, PNG photo) We’re here for the long haul… five game at B.C. Place Stadium. Keep […]
2016 OFSAA Girls’ Basketball Championships
November 27, 2016 by admin
Filed under Provincial and Territorial News
2016-17 OFSAA GIRLS’ BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIPS A AA AAA GOLD É.S. Jean Vanier (SOSSA) Notre Dame CSS (GHAC) A.B. Lucas SS (WOSSAA) SILVER O’Gowman HS (NEOAA) Mother Teresa CSS (WOSSAA) St Joseph’s College (TDCAA) BRONZE LoEllen SS (NOSSA) LaSalle SS (EOSSAA) St Mary’s HS (GHAC) AAA AA […]
SHSAA 2016 Volleyball Championships
November 27, 2016 by admin
Filed under Provincial and Territorial News
2016 SHSAA VOLLEYBALL CHAMPIONSHIP GOLD SILVER BRONZE GIRLS’ 1A Rose Valley School Dinsmore Composite School Englefield School GIRLS’ 2A Muenster School Invermay School Kerrobert Composite School GILRS’ 3A Waldheim School Oxbow Prairie Horizon School Wynyard Composite School GIRLS 4A’ Lumsden High School École Notre Dame Caronport High School GIRLS’ 5A Swift Current CHS […]
2016 MHSAA Junior Varsity Volleyball Championships
November 27, 2016 by admin
Filed under Provincial and Territorial News
2016 MHSAA JUNIOR VARSITY VOLLEYBALL CHAMPIONSHIPS GOLD SILVER BRONZE JV A/AA Girls MacGregor Collegiate Mustangs Warren Collegiate Wildcats Green Valley Pirates JV A/AA Boys Carman Collegiate Cougars Rossburn Collegiate Raiders Goose Lake High-Raiders JV AAA Girls Linden Christian Wings É.S. Neelin Spartans Virden CI Golden Bears JV […]