Tyler Callaghan Move On
July 1, 2017 by admin
Filed under Canadian Sport Features
Farewell to ASAA Office Staff Tyler Callaghan
Contributed by John Paton
In 2009, Tyler came to work with the Alberta Schools’ Athletic Association as a fresh faced kid straight out of university to help us grow a new initiative for school athletic director s in Alberta. It was called the Alberta Inter scholastic Administrator s Association, and it would be the first professional development program in Canada for teacher s in schools who coordinate school sport.
There is no way I can do justice to Tyler’s excellent work in taking this project from idea to reality,for his superb organizational skills and for his genuine commitment to enriching the lives of those around him, especially those involved in school athletic administration. His coordination of meetings (SSC, AIAAA, CIAAA), conferences, course deliveries and workshops is second to none, and no stone was left unturned in ensuring a fir st class experience for all involved.
Tyler has taken a fledgling provincial organization and morphed it into a national organization called the Canadian Inter scholastic Athletic Administrators Association (CIAAA). Through Tyler’s excellent insight and networking, he has created Master’s degree opportunities for a growing number of Canadian School Athletic Director s (50 at last count) to pursue a Master’s degree in utilizing courses they have taken through CIAAA. This has created outstanding leadership growth to those Athletic Directors, many of whom have gone on to School Administration positions since they became involved with Tyler and the AIAAA, SIAAA or CIAAA.
Together, Tyler and I have faced many challenges, but we’ve also had lots of good times and many laughs. We have had the chance to travel the North American continent together learning about and sharing school athletics administration opportunities. I have great personal regard for Tyler’s ability as a professional and have come to regard him as a close and valued friend. It is hard to say goodbye, but I know the next step in his professional career beckons, and I wish Tyler the best success in Scotland as he pursues his MBA and the career that waits ahead of him. He will be a great success in whatever he takes on.
Picture: Tyler receives a plaque from School Sport Canada in Canmore at the AIAAA Leader ship Institute, June 2017