ASAA – Principal and Student Acknowledgement Forms
August 21, 2016 by admin
Filed under Provincial and Territorial News

At the 2016 AGM, the following proposed Notice of Motion was passed:
The principal of each school shall be responsible for the eligibility of the school’s competitors for any competition. The following rules regarding eligibility will apply to all ASAA sponsored activities.
A. School Eligibility
1. The Principal will require each student and their guardian to complete and sign an Acknowledgement and Agreement Form confirming that all required parties are aware of ASAA Bylaws and Policies; will accept that any application for a review of an outcome of an appeal process of the ASAA or the respective zone by a Judge in a court of law must be brought by the administration of the school and not by the student/guardian. These forms must be completed and kept on file, with copies being provided to the ASAA only if requested, and for a reasonable purpose.
2. The Principle of each school will sign an Acknowledgement and Agreement Form which: confirms their membership in theASAA; that school coaches will abide by ASAA Bylaws and Policies; that membership in that school’s zone and the ASAA is a privilege, not a right; that the outcome of any appeal process of theASAA or zone is final and binding on the administration of the school; that violation of Bylaws or Policies of the zone or ASAA or the Acknowledgement and Agreement Form may be cause for expulsion of the school from the zone or the ASAA.
Please find the Student and Principal Acknowledgement Forms for each zone listed below.