ASAA – Unified Alphabet Fitness Challenge

September 27, 2021 by  
Filed under Provincial and Territorial News

Unified Alphabet Fitness Challenge

September 24, 2021Category ASAA News and Information

Contest Dates:
October 3-23, 2021
Prizes Will Be Awarded To:

  • The team that completes the challenge first
  • The team that has the most points
  • The team with the most creative pictures

How To Enter:

  1. Create an Unified Team within your school
  2. Pick a word or sentence with at least 8 letters
  3. Complete each task associate with the letters in the word(s) you are trying to spell
  4. Sumbit all the photos to along with your word(s), your school, and the students that took part in the challenge


  • Follow any Covid-19 guidelines put forth by the GoA, AHS, or your school jurisdiction
  • A school can submit more than one team. There is no max number of students that can be on a team
  • A team must consist of at least one athlete and one partner
  • Members of a team must all be from the same school and in grades 9-12
  • Pictures can be taken anywhere where the team is being safe and following proper protocols
  • Teams may submit more than one photo/video for each task to earn extra points
  • All videos/photos that are submitted to this fitness challenge may be shared by ASAA or Special Olympics Alberta on their respective social media accounts, websites, or other publications. If your school requires exemptions from any rule please contact Emily at


Unified Alphabet Fitness Challenge Tasks

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