Attention NBIAA/ASINB Coaches

April 10, 2024 by  
Filed under Provincial and Territorial News


A Coach’s Guide to the NBIAA was developed in partnership with Coach NB and launched as an online course in 2019. Many things have changed within our organization since then and a revised version of the course was launched in March 2024.

As of March 1st 2024, ALL coaches must complete the revised NBIAA Coaching certification prior to the beginning of their sport season. If a coach is not certified, they will not be able to coach until they have taken and passed the course. For more information on how to access the course, please visit the following link and follow the instructions to access the Locker and your NCCP account.

A ASINB guide for coaches was created in partnership with Coach NB and launched as online courses in 2019. Many things have changed in our organization since then, so in March 2024, a revised version of the course was launched.

Starting March 1, 2024, ALL coaches must complete the revised ASINB Coach Certification prior to the start of their athletic season. If a coach is not certified, he cannot lead a team until he has completed and completed the course. For more information on accessing the course, please visit the following link and follow the instructions to access the Cashier and your PNCE account.

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