BCSS – 2022 Zone Scholarship Recipients

BC School Sports is happy to announce the Zone Scholarship to student-athletes with plans to attend Accredited Post-Secondary Institution. Recipients exemplify exceptional athletic ability, academic prowess, and have demonstrated outstanding service and leadership in school and/or community.

Two (2) $750 scholarships will be awarded for each BCSS Athletic Zone, one male and one female. 

BC School Sports congratulates the 16 Zone scholarship recipients. We wish them the best of luck in their post-secondary endeavors

PDF iconZone Scholarship Winner Bios.pdf

BCSS Zone Scholarship Winners 2021-2022
Eastern ValleyAtkinson Kuo Walnut Grove Secondary
Eastern ValleyTaelor Coxford Langley Christian School
Fraser NorthKaran AujlaBurnaby South Secondary
Fraser NorthKaitlyn HeslopBurnaby Central Secondary
KootenayElias HibbersonNakusp Secondary
KootenayAlisia DvorakFernie Secondary
North CentralChris ZimmermanDuchess Park Secondary
North CentralBrooklyn BrownNorth Peace Secondary
North WestNot Awarded 
South FraserElliot LovelessSouth Delta Secondary
South FraserTaylor KatsubeSouth Delta Secondary
Thompson-OkanaganRoan ReidVernon Secondary
Thompson-OkanaganAmy BerekoffSummerland Secondary
Vancouver IslandKye Kotapski-TingaMark R. Isfeld Secondary
Vancouver IslandLauren RoworthLambrick Park Secondary
Vancouver Sea to SkyCole AndersonArgyle Secondary
Vancouver Sea to SkyJordan MansfieldKitsilano Secondary

2022 -23 Scholarship Information and application will be available in January 2023

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