BCSS Authorized Ultimate Championship May 2018

January 29, 2018 by  
Filed under Provincial and Territorial News





BCSS’s Board of Directors has authorized the hosting of a BCSS Ultimate Championship as a demonstration sport this coming spring. It is classified as a demonstration sport, as the membership hasn’t added Ultimate as a sport to the BCSS list of recognized activities. For this year, the event will contest two (2) tiers, with BCSS medals and plaques awarded to the placing teams, but no BCSS banner.

The Board and staff feel Ultimate would be a great addition as it often attracts a different set of students to participate from some of our other activities, and is a sport with low costs and low barriers to entry both for the school and the students. It is a true co-ed sport, with both males and females playing together, and while there is a winner and loser of each game, Ultimate has a unique culture where there is a major focus on sportsmanship, camaraderie and school spirit. In many ways, these events take on a festival type atmosphere more than an ultra-competitive championship and are very much aligned with the purpose and goals of our association.

For this year, as a demonstration sport, the BCSS office will be coordinating the event, with the help of some school-based volunteers and supporters. The event is scheduled for May 24th and 25th and will be played in Surrey. We will be working with local associations and zones to communicate berthing structures and other critical information.

While a motion to add Ultimate to the list of official BCSS activities is forthcoming for the 2018 AGM, we hope that you will consider putting a team together for this coming spring season to build awareness and excitement around this new sport.

We also will be working to provide resources to assist coaches and teachers, who may not be entirely familiar with the game. BCSS will be publishing a detailed information package in early February regarding the rules of the game, the structure of championships, tiering and other logistical matters. Please keep your eye out for this.


I don't believe evolution, but this is funny!

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