Had a Concussion? Please Do Our Survey Now
February 28, 2022 by admin
Filed under Canadian Sport Features, Monthly Highlights, Provincial and Territorial News


Have you suffered from a concussion? Or have you taken care of someone who had a concussion? Are you a teacher or coach? Are you a frontline clinician who diagnoses or treats concussions? If you answered “yes” to any of these, please take 10 to 15 minutes to complete the following survey: In English or French.
The survey is open from January 10 to April 10, 2022.
In Spring 2021, the first phase of this project gathered 1,761 questions from 249 patients and healthcare providers across Canada. After summarizing the questions and removing those already answered by research this resulted in 59 unanswered questions about concussion which we now wish to prioritize.
Phase 2 of the project which is an online survey asking: from the list of 59 summary questions, which are the 10 questions that are the highest priority to be answered by research.
The overall aim is to advocate for research funding to be directed to the priorities of those who live with, and are most impacted by, concussion.
For more information, visit https://www.concussionpsp.com.
What are we about?
We aim to shape the future of research in concussion by bringing patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals together to identify and prioritize the top 10 unanswered questions about concussion.