MHSAA 2022 High School Basketball Challenge
March 14, 2022 by admin
Filed under Monthly Highlights, Provincial and Territorial News
2022 High School Basketball Challenge
This virtual challenge is aimed at high school students across Manitoba, helping them stay active during
these unprecedented times. Although student-athletes have had limited opportunities to compete on
the basketball court, Dairy Farmers of Manitoba and the MHSAA still wants to see students active and
engaging in sport while representing their school.
• Virtual event to promote physical activity as part of the reintegration of sport into schools
during the COVID-19 pandemic.
• Raise awareness of the importance of school sport, highlighting the role of sport in the mental
health of students and their overall success on and off the field of play.
• Engage all Manitoba high school student to encourage them to stay active in creative ways
during these difficult times.
• Provide an opportunity for students to safely connect and better themselves through training
and friendly competition.
• Encourage those who may not normally participate in school sport to do so and benefit from the
engagement that comes from participating in school sport.
• Open to any grade 9-12 student attending a MHSAA member school.
• A great activity for your Phys. Ed classes
• The Dairy Farmers of Manitoba High School Basketball Challenge consists of 3 one-week
challenges between March 7, 2022 to March 25, 2022.
• Students may complete the challenges as many times as they would like within the challenge
week but only their BEST score can be considered for each week’s top 5 boys and top 5 girls submissions.
• Prizes and recognition are available to the top scoring schools and the highest participating
schools for each of the participation groups.
o Overall Top Score Awards (4 total):
▪ A school, AA school, AAA school, AAAA school
o Highest Participation Awards (4 total):
▪ A school, AA school, AAA school, AAAA school
Week 1 (Beginning March 7, 2022): Mikan Drill (60 sec.)
Week 1 of the challenge will give students the opportunity to complete the 60 second Mikan Drill,
which is a left-right alternating layup drill using a single ball. The ball must hit the backboard, the
student must rebound their own ball, and if they are unsuccessful with the layup they must continue on
that side until they are successful. A designated counter must keep track of the number of successful
layups that go into the net during the 60 second period. Each successful layup = 1 point.
Week 2 (Beginning March 14, 2022): Free Throws (20 attempts)
Week 2 of the challenge will give students the opportunity to complete in a best of 20 free throw
challenge. A school may choose to use a 2-ball rotation and a rebounder to optimize gym time, but it is
NOT necessary to complete this challenge. There must be a designated counter to keep track of the
number of successful shots for each participant. 1 successful shot into the net = 1 point for a total of 20
possible points. Attempts must be consecutive and must be completed in one session.
Week 3 (Beginning March 21, 2022): 3-Point Shots (60 sec.)
Week 3 of the challenge will give students the opportunity to complete in a 60 second 3-point-shooting
challenge. Participants may shoot from anywhere outside the 3-point line. The shooter may choose to
move around the semi-circle or remain in one place. 1 successful shot into the net = 1 point. The
designated counter must keep track of the number of successful 3-point shots that go into the net
within the designated 60 second time slot. To ensure consistency of environment and results province
wide, this challenge requires a school to use a 2-ball rotation and up to 2 rebounders to optimize the 60
seconds of shooting time. Attempts must be consecutive and must be completed in one continuous 60 seconds sessions.
Upon completion of the week, schools must submit their top 5 boys and top 5 girls scores, combined
into a single weekly score. The school athletic director must submit ONE submission for the school’s
overall participation numbers, and results by 3:30pm on the Friday of each week.
Contact Greg Jarvis, MHSAA Assistant Executive Director, at to submit each week’s set
of results and participation numbers:
Week 1 – Mikan Drill results due on March 11, 2022 at 3:30pm
Week 2 – Free Throws results due on March 18, 2022 at 3:30pm
Week 3 – Three Point results due on March 25, 2022 at 3:30pm
Important note: There is no limit to the number of times a student can complete the challenges within
their respective week however only their top score can be counted towards their ranking to be
considered for the top 5 boys and top 5 girls submissions, and a student who completes a weekly
challenge multiple times only counts as a single participant.
Dairy Farmers of Manitoba has generously provided prizing that will be awarded to the overall highest
scoring schools in in each of the four MHSAA classifications (A, AA, AAA, & AAAA) and overall highest
participating schools in each of the four MHSAA classifications.
Highest Overall Score Prizes:
• Awarded to one school in each of the four MHSAA classifications (A, AA, AAA, & AAAA) for
highest overall score in the challenge.
• Each of the four winners will receive $850 for their school’s athletic department.
• The final scores will be determined by combining the schools scores from all three weeks into a
total overall score.
• If there is a tie between schools, the school with the highest 3-point shot points total will be
declared the winner. If there is still a tie between schools, the school with the highest free throws points total will be declared the winner. If there is still a tie between schools, a random
draw of all remaining schools will take place to declare the winner.
Highest Overall Participation Prizes:
• Awarded to one school in each of the four MHSAA classifications (A, AA, AAA, & AAAA) for
highest overall participation in the challenge.
• Each of the four winners will receive $400 for their school’s athletic department.
• Award will be presented to the schools with the highest percentage of participation of their
school’s grade 9-12 student population. Current school enrolment numbers indicated on will be used for the calculation.
• An average of a school’s three-week participation percentage will be calculated to determine
the overall participation winners.
▪ School A has a grade 9-12 student population of 1,000 (according to
▪ Week 1: Participation numbers reported: 500 / Percentage of participation: 50%
▪ Week 2: Participation numbers reported: 600 / Percentage of participation: 60%
▪ Week 3: Participation numbers reported: 700 / Percentage of participation: 70% ▪ School A’s three-week participation percentage average: 60%
Stay connected with us on social media! Show us how you and your school are completing the
challenges during the 2022 Dairy Farmers of Manitoba High School Basketball Challenge by using the
hashtag: #DFMdunks on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
March 7, 2022 – Start of week 1 of the Dairy Farmers of Manitoba High School Basketball Challenge.
March 11, 2022 – The last day of week 1 of the Dairy Farmers of Manitoba High School Basketball
March 18, 2022 – The last day of week 2 of the Dairy Farmers of Manitoba High School Basketball
Challenge. Results for week 2 due by 3:30pm.
March 21, 2022 – Start of week 3 of the Dairy Farmers of Manitoba High School Basketball Challenge.
March 25, 2022 – The last day of week 3 of the Dairy Farmers of Manitoba High School Basketball
Challenge. Results for week 3 due by 3:30pm.