NBIAA-ASINB 2019 Badminton Championships

April 17, 2019 by  
Filed under Provincial and Territorial News


  Gold Silver
Jr A
Centre scolaire communautaire La Fontaine 
École Carrefour Beausoleil
Jr AA Carlton North High School École Aux Quatre Vents
Jr AAA Bernice MacNaughton High School  
Sr A École Carrefour Beausoleil École Samuel-de-Champlain
Sr AA École Marie-Esther Carlton North High School
Sr AAA Moncton High School St Malachy’s Memorial High School  


Discipline 1er place / 1st place 2e place / 2nd place
Junior double féminin/Junior girls double Aube-Roy/Pelletier, École Grande-Rivière Sonier/MacIntosh, École Carrefour Beausoleil
Junior double masculine/Junior boys double Lanteine/Robichaud, Centre La fontaine Murphy/MacIntosh, École Carrefour Beausoleil
Junior double mixte/Junior mixed doubles Robichaud/Savoie, Centre La fontaine Hume/Heppell, Caledonia Regional High School
Junior simple féminin/Junior girls singles M Sonier, École Carrefour Beausoleil Mariah Hume, Caledonia Regional High School
Junior simple masculine/Junior boys singles Y Lanteigne, Centre La fontaine T Murphy, École Carrefour Beausoleil
Senior double féminin/Senior girls double Delaqis/Girard, École Samuel-de-Champlain Tenass/Godin, École Carrefour Beausoleil
Senior double masculin/Senior boys double Richard-Theriault/Poririe, École Mgr-M-F-Ricahrd MacIntosh/Tenass, École Carrefour Beausoleil
Senior double mixte/Senior mixed doubles Delaquis/Parascan, École Samuel-de-Champlain Comeau/Godin, École Carrefour Beausoleil
Senior simple féminin/Senior girls singles L Tenass, École Carrefour Beausoleil V St Laurent, École Carrefour Beausoleil
Senior simple masculine/Senior boys singles T Savoie, École Carrefour Beausoleil J Richard-Theriault, École Mgr-M-F-Ricahrd
Image may contain: 10 people, people smiling, people playing sports, people standing, shoes and basketball court
Jr A – Centre scolaire communautaire La Fontaine 
Sr A – École Carrefour Beausoleil


Discipline 1er place / 1st place 2e place / 2nd place
Junior double féminin/Junior girls double Ritchie/LeBlanc, Carlton North High School Bois/Cyr, Polyvalente Roland-Pépin
Junior double masculine/Junior boys double McIntosh/Orchard, Carlton North High School Lepage/Babin, École Aux Quatre Vents
Junior double mixte/Junior mixed doubles McIntosh/Ritchie, Carlton North High School LePage/St Amand, École Aux Quatre Vents
Junior simple féminin/Junior girls singles Abby Ritchie, Carlton North High School Leonie Promp, Carlton North High School
Junior simple masculine/Junior boys singles Colby McIntosh, Carlton North High School Kimiko LePage, École Aux Quatre Vents
Senior double féminin/Senior girls double Steeves/Pickard, Carlton North High School Feron/Robichaud, École Marie-Esther
Senior double masculin/Senior boys double Noel/Chaisson, École Marie-Esther Leblanc/Lyon, Carlton North High School
Senior double mixte/Senior mixed doubles Leblanc/Steeves, Carlton North High School Post/Roy, Polyvalente Roland-Pépin
Senior simple féminin/Senior girls singles Julie Steeves, Carlton North High School Isabelle Anne Peron, École Marie-Esther
Senior simple masculine/Senior boys singles Justin Post, Polyvalente Roland-Pépin Alexandre Noel, École Marie-Esther
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Jr AA – Carlton North High School
Sr AA – École Marie-Esther


Discipline 1er place / 1st place 2e place / 2nd place
Junior double féminin/Junior girls double Gilles/Arsenault, Simonds High School Kamel/Le,  Bernice MacNaughton High School
Junior double masculine/Junior boys double Racz/Racz, Bernice MacNaughton High School Kleimann/Brewer, Fredericton High School
Junior double mixte/Junior mixed doubles Arsenault/Barbour, Simonds High School Gilles/McCarthy, Simonds High School
Junior simple féminin/Junior girls singles Sydney Arsenault, Simonds High School Anna Gilles, Simonds High School
Junior simple masculine/Junior boys singles Adam Racz, Bernice MacNaughton High School Gergo Racz, Bernice MacNaughton High School
Senior double féminin/Senior girls double Lefranc/Taylor, Moncton High School Dallon/Scott, Saint Malachy’s Memorial High School
Senior double masculin/Senior boys double Johnston/Martin, Saint Malachy’s Memorial High School Cameron-Howe/Lee, Fredericton High School
Senior double mixte/Senior mixed doubles Toal/Gilles, Saint John High School Scott/Johnston, Saint Malachy’s Memorial High School
Senior simple féminin/Senior girls singles Melanie Rogers, Harrison Trimble High School A Toal, Saint John High School
Senior simple masculine/Senior boys singles Phillipe Blanchard, École Mathieu Martin Taylor Oulton, Moncton High School
Sr AAA Moncton High School
Jr AAA – Bernice MacNaughton High School

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