OFSAA – 2014 Tennis Final Results

June 14, 2014 by  
Filed under Provincial and Territorial News

The final day of the 2014 OFSAA Tennis Championships saw sunny conditions at the Rexall Tennis Centre. The level of play remained high as the athletes competed in the final 40 of the over 400 matches played in the tournament. OFSAA champions were crowed in all 10 divisions. Throughout the Championships the high school athletes maintained the OFSAA ideals of sportsmanship and athletic excellence in high school sport!

OFSAA would like to thank convenor Michael Robinson and committee members Dave and Tammi Hawkins along with the many volunteers, teacher coaches and athletes who made this year’s Championship a success! OFSAA would also like to thank the media for their continued coverage of high school sport.

Final results and placings have been included below. First and second places played in the gold medal final and third and fourth played in the bronze medal match. Fourth place received the antique bronze medal.

Complete results can be found on the championship website:

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