OFSAA 2019 PD Forum – Register Now
September 17, 2019 by admin
Filed under Provincial and Territorial News

2019 PD Forum
The PD Forum, presented by OFSAA, will take place October 18-19, 2019 in London, ON. OFSAA is pleased to announce that the host venue will be Mother Teresa Secondary School located at 1065 Sunningdale Rd E.
Don’t miss out! Please click here to register.
The PD Forum is ideal for athletic educators and will offer workshops in CIAAA (Canadian Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association) and CIOS (Coaching in Ontario Schools).
CIAAA promotes, supports and trains existing and aspiring Athletic Directors/Coordinators.
CIOS is an ideal workshop for high school teacher-coaches and community coaches. CIOS also provides participants with three PD points to maintain NCCP certification.
CIAAA Courses that will be offered:
502C: Principles, Strategies and Methods
This is a detailed course that addresses school athletic/academic philosophy, administrative organization, coach appointment, budgeting, scheduling, publicity and promotion, management of athletes, parents and others, transportation policies and issues, parent conflict, legal foundations, monthly checklists and more. One of the key resources available to course attendees is CD with over 700 pages of useful information, forms, detailed letter templates, sample policies etc. Further, the provision of access to a coach handbook will be reviewed.
504C: Legal Issues I – The Basics of Negligence, Liability and Risk Management
This course covers liability, negligence, and risk management practices for athletic administrators. Legal concepts will be introduced to athletic administrators through the use of case law, case studies, and guided discussion. Appropriate risk management documentation procedures for athletic administrators will be identified. Enrollees will benefit from discussing real-life case law scenarios and defining the duties and standards of care that the law requires of athletic administrators. Enrollees will leave the course with new knowledge and actionable strategies for managing risk.
602C: Creating Your Athletic Handbook (Working Course)
This course is designed to guide attendees through the process of creating a complete and effective athletic handbook. Effective athletic handbooks provide vision/direction for your program, disseminate critical information to your constituents and can save Athletic Administrators countless hours. This is a working course where attendees will be provided with a number of templates as a starting point and surrounded by a number of experienced Athletic Administrators leading the course. Attendees will be expected to come prepared with a list of school and district-specific documents to guide them during the handbook creation process. This list will be sent to attendees roughly one week prior to the course delivery date.
703C: Student Centered Educational Athletics – Performance Beyond the X’s and O’s
This student centered program will provide learning experiences for student athletes beyond the X’s and O’s. This course will support a value based curriculum that will demonstrate model behaviors and qualities that students should emulate both in and out of the athletic arena. Teachable moments beyond the classroom—center court, centerfield or center ice—provide the opportunity to promote and maximize the achievement of these educational goals and life skills. This course will provide the necessary strategies, methods and resources to implement this initiative within your own school.
721C: Positive Sporting Behaviour – For the Love of the Game
In this course students will learn to implement appropriate strategies and techniques, designed to create a positive, productive learning environment, which will support a system that encourages character and self-discipline and sportsmanship. This class will provide opportunities for self assessment and reflection in regards to prior performance. In addition students will participate in class discussions, and activities which will increase their knowledge and skills of the effective components
For more information, please contact Denise Perrier at denise@ofsaa.on.ca or (416) 426-7436.