OFSAA and CIAAA Announces Winter Courses
December 23, 2022 by admin
Filed under Canadian Sport Features, Monthly Highlights
OFSAA is pleased to partner with the Canadian Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (CIAAA) to offer the following 3 courses during the winter/spring of 2023. OFSAA trained volunteers will be instructing these courses:
1) January 26, 2023 – 6:00 – 9:00 pm – 504C: Legal Issues I – The Basics of Negligence, Liability, and Risk Management
This course covers liability, negligence, and risk management practices for athletic administrators. Legal concepts will be introduced to athletic administrators through the use of case law, case studies, and guided discussion
2) February 6, 2023 – 6:00 – 9:00 pm – 506C: Legal Issues II – Enhanced Legal Topics for the Athletic Administrator
This course introduces the important legal issues of discrimination, sexual harassment, bullying, hazing, and violence in sport. Participants will learn the legal definitions of the terms and how they are applied to the sport and scholastic context.
3) April 6 & 12, 2023 – 7:00 – 9:00 pm both nights – 602C: Creating Your Athletic Handbook
This course is designed to guide attendees through the process of creating a complete and effective athletic handbook. Effective athletic handbooks provide vision/direction for your program, disseminate critical information to your constituents and can save Athletic Administrators countless hours.
I understand that you may have taken one or more of these courses previously and I apologize for including you in this email if there is nothing of interest here. Please feel free to share this information with anyone else in your school/board/association that you think may be interested.
For more information and to register for any of these courses please go the following site:
or contact Jim Barbeau, OFSAA Sport Coordinator at: jim@ofsaa.on.ca