OFSAA Winter 2023 Newsletter
UPCOMING KEY DATES (click on links for more information) JANUARY 31: Deadline for Student-Athlete Sports Subsidy ApplicationJANUARY 31: Deadline for Pete Beach Award SubmissionsFEBRUARY 8: Transfer Appeal Applications DueFEBRUARY 9-10: Executive Council MeetingFEBRUARY 15: Deadline for Motions for all By-Laws & Playing RegulationsFEBRUARY 23: Transfer MeetingsFEBRUARY 23-24: Nordic Skiing Championship FEBRUARY 27-28: Alpine Skiing Championship FEBRUARY 28-MARCH 1: Swimming Championship MARCH 1: Snowboarding Festival MARCH 6-8: Boys’ Basketball Championships MARCH 6-8: Girls’ Volleyball Championships MARCH 7-8: Wrestling Championship MARCH 21-23: Boys’ & Girls Hockey Championships MARCH 22-25: Curling Championships MARCH 29: Transfer Appeal Applications DueAPRIL 13: Board of Reference TransfersAPRIL 19: Executive Council Meeting APRIL 20 & 21: Annual General Meeting (In Person)MOTIONS & PLAYING REGS DUE FEBRUARY 15 The deadline to electronically submit motions for all by-laws and playing regulations is February 15th. Please send submissions to Beth Hubbard at beth@ofsaa.on.ca .STUDENT SUBSIDY DEADLINE IS JANUARY 31 Please visit our website HERE to gain more information about the OFSAA Student-Athlete Sports Subsidy . Subsidies will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis due to defined funding. Don’t delay – take advantage now for this school year! The winter sports deadline is January 31st and the spring sports deadline is April 28th. NEW STRATEGIC PLAN COMING To meet the needs of our members, students and teacher-coaches, OFSAA is pleased to team up with STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS in the formation of a new 3-year Strategic Plan. Planning sessions start in February.The Bulletin Be sure to check out the results from all of the fall events in our new issue of the magazine! Learn about the scholarship and awards which are available to worthy students and coaches – plus a whole lot more! Look for it in your school soon, but in the meantime, find all of the OFSAA happenings HERE .NEW REGIONAL EVENTS IN HIGH GEAR! Take advantage of an OFSAA Regional Event Honorarium today! We want to keep the momentum of students getting active and enjoying sports again like we experienced here in Ottawa with over 140 girls participating in ringette in late November. Apply now HERE .OFSAA TRAVEL GRANTS – ARE YOU ELIGIBLE? Just a reminder that Travel Grants are available to schools who have participated at an OFSAA championship or festival. For more information, please contact Beth Hubbard at beth@ofsaa.on.ca .CELEBRATING 75 YEARS! The 2023-24 school year will be a milestone year! Established in 1948, OFSAA is planning to commemorate its 75th Anniversary throughout the next school year. Stay tuned for more information and developments in the coming weeks!“BRIDGING THE GAP” APPRECIATION Thank you to all teacher-coaches who submitted applications for the new “Jumpstart Bridging The Gap ” program. The amount of interest exceeded expectations. All successful applicants have been notified and we hope to run the program again in the future.THE EXCLUSIVE VIDEO SOLUTION OF OFSAA! Working closely with HUDL , OFSAA is empowering sports teams and athletes to achieve their goals with best-in-class software and hardware. Video sharing, game breakdowns and video products – it’s all in the platform. Learn more about Hudl and how the partnership can assist you HERE .CIAAA COURSES AVAILABLE! OFSAA, in cooperation with the CIAAA , is offering four online Leadership Training Program (LTP) courses early in 2023. Each course is $125 for CIAAA members and $175 for non-members. Learn more HERE . •LEGAL ISSUES I – The Basics of Negligence, Liability & Risk Management (504C), January 26 •ATHLETIC ADMINISTRATION – Enhancing School-Based Athletic Programs (503C), January 27 •LTP COURSE – Management Strategies & Organization Techniques (608C), February 12 •LEGAL ISSUES II – Enhanced Legal Topics for the Athletic Administrator (506C), February 16INCREASING MENTAL HEALTH LITERACY IN COACHES Together with key partners such as School Sport Canada, Kids Help Phone and the Canadian Centre for Mental Health and Sports, the CAC is spearheading an important new project for coaches in Canada. The new initiative will provide mental health literacy training to ensure coaches are comfortable and empowered to help. Learn more HERE . Upload your photo of the champions HERE .WINTER SCHOOL SPORTS ARE IN FULL SWING! Look sharp and feel warm in colourful OFSAA-branded hoodies & long-sleeves this winter! The OFSAA SHOP is your destination! Visit HERE . OFSAA on TikTok is gaining momentum! Join the crowd and give us a follow at @ofsaaofficial . Copyright © 2023 Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations (OFSAA) All rights reserved. EDUCATION THROUGH SCHOOL SPORTofsaa.on.ca Our mailing address is: 305 Milner Avenue, Suite 207, Toronto, ON M1B 3V4 Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list . Interested in having a colleague or friend subscribe to this newsletter? Just direct them to the home page of www.ofsaa.on.ca .