OFSAA – Winter Sports Are BACK!
February 2, 2023 by admin
Filed under Monthly Highlights, Provincial and Territorial News
For the first time since February/March 2020, OFSAA events will return to the slopes and the pool this winter!
It’s with great anticipation that we welcome alpine skiers, nordic skiers, snowboarders and swimmers to the first OFSAA winter championships and festivals in February and March.
Convenors have been working hard on the preparations that go into hosting a memorable event for student-athletes.
We would like to thank convenors Adam Ross/Todd Harris (Nordic Skiing), Jane Audet (Alpine Skiing), Adrienne Chong (Snowboarding) and Danielle Parent (Swimming).
February 22-24: Nordic Skiing Championship, February 27-28: Alpine Skiing Championship, February 28-March 1: Swimming Championship, March 1: Snowboarding Festival.
Be sure to find information on each of these upcoming championships and festivals here: https://www.ofsaa.on.ca/championships-festivals/