Reminder of the Upcoming CIAAA Conference in Edmonton June 16-18, 2016

May 26, 2016 by  
Filed under Canadian Sport Features

“Four Outstanding Alberta Educators Deliver CIAAA courses in BC”

On Friday, October 23, 2016 four teachers from Alberta delivered professional development courses to almost 40 school Athletic Directors in BC. With decades of combined experience as School Athletic Directors, Dave Rozdeba (Dunmore), George Hoyt (Edmonton), Kelle Hansen (Mayerthorpe) and Heather Bartling (Bonnyville), traveled respectively to Kelowna, Duncan and Burnaby to deliver courses to teachers interested in enhancing the work they do in coordinating sport programs in their school. The CIAAA’s Introductory course, 501c was delivered in Duncan and Burnaby while 502c was delivered in Kelowna.

Session feedback was outstanding in all three locations. As one attendee from Duncan said; “I really appreciate that the CIAAA is providing important and worthwhile opportunities for Athletic Directors to grow in their work. It’s great to participate in professional development that helps develop our current practices. I look forward to taking as many CIAAA courses as I can!” Another Burnaby delegate thanked Kelle and Heather for “incorporating their own experiences (which were very different) into the course curriculum. Their open and welcoming nature made the day extremely enjoyable!”

The Canadian Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association is a national organization delivering professional development programs for those who coordinate sport in Canada’s schools. From its initiation in Alberta in 2008, initially as a provincial organization, the CIAAA has grown to be national in scope, and will be delivering Masters Degree recognized courses in six Canadian Provinces during the 2015/16 school year. The CIAAA will be hosting its 1st National Athletic Directors Conference at West Edmonton Mall, Edmonton, Alberta from June 16-18, 2016. For more information on the CIAAA and the conference, please visit the CIAAA’s website at

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