Return to Play – August 14, 2020
August 14, 2020 by admin
Filed under Provincial and Territorial News

The Safe Return to High School Athletics
August 13, 2020Category ASAA News and Information
The Safe Return to High School Athletics guide was developed by the ASAA as a useful summary of COVID-19 related guidelines on school sport and ASAA’s recommendations for a safe return to athletics in the school setting.

August 13 Update – Postponement of Fall Provincial Championships
Please see the attached memo regarding the postponement of the ASAA fall provincial championships.
For more information, please see the ASAA’s Safe Return to High School Sport Guide or visit the COVID-19 section of the ASAA website.

MEMO Postponement of ASAA Fall Provincial Championships
August 11 Update to ASAA Fall Seasons of Play
August 11, 2020Category ASAA News and Information
The start date for the season of play for the sports of golf, cross country, and football have been adjusted from August 16th to September 1st for the 2020-21 school year. At this time, the start of the volleyball season of play will remain the first operational day of classes. The cheer season remains the same, with season of play starting on September 1st.
From September 1st and onward, only in-school practices are permitted.
The seasons of play for fall sports will be:
Golf: Sept. 1-29
Cross Country: Sept. 1-Oct. 29
Football: Sept. 1-Nov. 28
Volleyball: First operational day for teachers-Nov. 28
Cheerleading: Sept.1-Apr. 30
If there are to be any further postponements relating to any ASAA fall sport, an announcement will be made before September 1st. Please note that any directives provided by the ASAA are subject to change as new information becomes available, and schools must always ensure their activities are in compliance with local school jurisdictions and provincial health guidelines which may be more restrictive than the ASAA policy.
More information from us on COVID-19 protocol and return to sport resources to come soon.

BCSS Return to Play Update- August 2020
August 13, 2020

The BCSS Board of Directors have decided to lift the ban of all in-person school sport-related activities currently in place effective the first day students are in session. The attached memo outlines more details on the Return to Play for Fall 2020.

Click here for latest SHSAA Return to Play

Click the following link for the MHSAA Return to School Sport Plan – Fall 2020