Helen Gurney passed away on October 28, 2017 at the age of 99, and donations may be given in her name to the charity of your choice. Helen was a strong supporter of the OFSAA Alumni Scholarship fund and it is hoped you will consider donating to this fund in her name. If interested, please complete the attached 1-page form located here and return it to the OFSAA office.
If you crossed paths with Helen when she was with the Ministry, at OALC, or through the many other organizations she supported, you are aware of her many contributions to school sport and the advancement of women.
All monies go directly to the scholarships which are provided each year for graduating students pursuing secondary education at a Canadian institution. You will receive a charitable receipt and the family will be notified of your donation.
For more on the life and tremendous contributions of Helen Gurley please read more at http://ofsaa.on.ca/webform/helen-gurney-memoriam