SHSAA 2019 Women in Sport Conference (WISC)

April 21, 2019 by  
Filed under Canadian Sport Features

SHSAA 2019 Women in Sport Conference (WISC)

Planning for the 2019 Women in Sport Conference has been ongoing.  District Presidents and Athletic Commissioners were given details as to dates and location at their meetings in December and the membership was provided with similar information through SHSAA publications including the January 2019 newsletter.

The conference is scheduled for May 31 – June 1, 2019 and will be hosted at the University of Saskatchewan.  In addition to the U of S and Huskie Athletics, the conference is also sponsored by Pizza Hut through their longstanding partnership with SHSAA.

All schools and districts have been contacted with this information.  A conference brochure is available by clicking here.  Please note that the conference is limited to the first 100 paid registrations.  All student delegates must be under supervision of a school approved female chaperone (coach, mentor, role model) during their time at the conference.  A registration fee is also required for chaperones.

There will be sessions specifically targeted for chaperones addressing leadership and mentorship.  Sessions for the student delegates will include sport specific and activity sessions as well as breakout sessions addressing sports nutrition, leadership, body image & sport psychology.

Once registrations are finalized there will be additional information and details distributed to those attending the conference.

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