SHSAA More Sportsmanship Winners Announced

June 11, 2018 by  
Filed under Provincial and Territorial News

Sportsmanship Award – 2A Girls Soccer

SHSAA was proud to present the Girls Soccer Sportsmanship Award to the Luther Lions.  The team was introduced as part of a school awards program on June 11.  They were then presented the Sportsmanship Banner for their “blue banner behaviour” at the 2017 Soccer Provincials in Moose Jaw.  Congratulations to Coach Frostad and the team members!

Thank you to Saskatchewan Milk Marketing Board for providing milk to the school and for their continued support of High School Athletics in Saskatchewan.

Sportsmanship Award – Wrestling

Congratulations to the Warman Wolverines wrestling team and coaches Linner and Brandt.  The team was presented the SHSAA/Sask Milk Sportsmanship banner at a school assembly hosted by Vice-Principal Philipchuk.  This is the school’s 6th sportsmanship award and the 4th sport to be recognized.

Thank you to Sask Milk for their continued support of SHSAA and the Sportsmanship Award.  Once again Sask Milk provided milk for everyone in attendance at the presentation.

Sportsmanship Award – Boys Basketball

SHSAA was proud to present the Boys Basketball Sportsmanship Award to the Norquay/Sturgis Knights.   The team members were introduced by one of their peers during a school assembly on May 29.  Parents, students, teachers, and administration celebrated the boys’ accomplishments by recapping the season and unveiling their 3rd place banner . They were then presented the Sportsmanship Banner for their positive behaviour at HOOPLA 2018.  Congratulations to Coaches Heath Morin and Tim Johnson and the team members!


Sportsmanship Award – Girls Soccer

Thank you to Saskatchewan Milk Marketing Board for providing milk to all those that attended the presentation and for their continued support of High School Athletics in Saskatchewan.

SHSAA was proud to present the Girls Soccer 3A Sportsmanship Award to the Luther Lions

Congratulations to St Joseph High School, Saskatoon, ⁦⁩ girls soccer team on being presented the ⁦⁩ / ⁦⁩ sportsmanship banner for 3A girls. Thx to ⁦⁩ for their continued support of SHSAA and multi-spot athletes.



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