SHSAA Presents Sportsmanship Awards

February 2, 2017 by  
Filed under Provincial and Territorial News

01/31/2017, 4:15pm CST
By SHSAA Office
2a girls soccer sportsmanship Meadow_Lake_large

2A Girls Soccer Sportsmanship Award

Coach Renee Wiebe and Dave Cubbon along with the Girls Soccer team from Carpenter High School in Meadow Lake were recognized with the SHSAA/Sask Milk Sportsmanship Award for 2A Girls Soccer.  The championship was hosted by SSSAD in October.

Meadow Lake Carpenter has won numerous Sportsmanship Awards but this was the first for the girls soccer program.  Congratulations to Principal Larry Waterman and the entire Carpenter staff and student body.

Thanks to Sask Milk for their continued support of the SHSAA and the Sportsmanship Award.

1A girls volleyball sportsmanship Perdue_large

Sask Milk, Prairie Spirit, and SHSAA representatives were on hand January 19th to present the Perdue Steelers with the SHSAA/Sask Milk Sportsmanship Award for 1A Girls Volleyball.  Community members and the entire student body were welcomed by principal Jeff Chilibeck.  Congratulations to coaches Bourgonje and Hiebert and the entire team for displaying the values of sportsmanship during the volleyball season including the provincial championship hosted in Rose Valley.


Rossignol_large 2a girls vball sportanmship

At a school assembly on January 20th the Rossignol Huskies from Ile-a-la-Crosse were presented with the SHSAA/Sask Milk Sportsmanship Award for 2A Girls Volleyball.  The team had participated in the provincial championship that was hosted in Muenster in late November.

Community members, Town Council representatives, staff, and students all shared in the award which recognizes school teams that display the characteristics of sportsmanship and values of the  SHSAA as they act as ambassadors for their school in educational athletics.

Congratulations to Coach Favel and the team on an award that was well deserved.

Thanks to Sask Milk for once again providing free milk for those that were in attendance at the event.


Girls Soccer: Archbishop M.C. O’Neill Catholic High School

Thanks and for your kind words and recognizing girls soccer for their sportsmanship

he Regina O’Neill Titans girls soccer team was recognized with the SHSAA / Sask Milk Sportsmanship during a school assembly on Friday, May 26.  The assembly was the kick-off for the weekend’s 50th Anniversary celebration for the school.  Anita Medl from Sask Milk was on hand to congratulate the team members and present them with the blue banner.  Congratulations to Principal Fuchs, Coach Gartner, all team members, and the entire school community on this special recognition.

As always, a special thanks to Sask Milk for their continued support of school sport in Saskatchewan.

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