SSNL Gets Extra Interprovincial Travel Subsidy

November 9, 2016 by  
Filed under Provincial and Territorial News

Supporting Student-Athletes

Prince of Wales Collegiate staff and varsity athletes were gracious hosts as the Government of Newfoundland & Labrador (Dept. of Children, Seniors, & Social Development), Honourable Minister Sherry Gambin-Walsh, made the official funding announcement of $120,000 for Interprovincial Travel for schools participating in SSNL events for the 2016-17 school year.

Minister Announces New In-Province School Sport Travel Subsidy

The Provincial Government has created a new Intra-Provincial Sport Travel Subsidy Program to reduce costs and enhance opportunities for over 2,500 school-based athletes in all regions of the province, to participate in provincial school sport championships delivered by School Sports NL.

“Our government continues to look for better ways to use available funding to the maximum benefit of the greatest number of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians. This new program will allow us to assist those travelling throughout the province for school sportbased provincial championships and support a large number of young athletes throughout Newfoundland and Labrador. Creating opportunities to support more athletes, in all regions of the province, further supports our goals of promoting and supporting sport development and participation.” – The Honourable Sherry Gambin-Walsh, Minister of Children, Seniors and Social Development

The new Intra-Provincial Sport Travel Subsidy Program will be supported with annual funding of $120,000. To be eligible for funding under this program, the travel distance from the participating school to the host school must be a minimum of 400 kilometres per return trip. The subsidy amount per athlete would range from $20 to $100 per athlete based on travel distance.

“School Sports NL is thrilled with this new initiative. The Intra-provincial Travel Subsidy program is the largest new investment in the School Sports Varsity program in over a decade. The travel subsidy will make it easier for teams and individual students from all over the province to be involved in a program of sport and physical activity that leads to so many positive physical, academic and social outcomes. The effect will be felt by families, schools, and communities.” -Karen Richard, Executive Director, School Sports NL

The new program will be applied retroactively to eligible travel to School Sports NL provincial championships that occurred since the start of the 2016-17 school year. For more information on the new Intra-Provincial Sport Travel Subsidy Program, including program guidelines, please visit: 


 The Provincial Government has created a new Intra-Provincial Sport Travel Subsidy Program to support over 2,500 school-based athletes in all regions of the province, to participate in School Sports NL provincial school sport championships.

 To be eligible for funding under the program, the travel distance from the participating school to the host school must be a minimum of 400 kilometres per return trip.

 The subsidy amount per athlete would range from $20 to $100 based on travel distance.

 The new program will be applied retroactively to eligible travel that occurred since the start of the school year. –

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