The Scrum – What’s New In Coaching

Welcome back to the Coaches Association of Ontario’s quarterly newsletter, The Scrum. This communication will keep you up-to-date on the multi-sport coaching landscape in Ontario. Each season we feature upcoming PD Events, Funding Opportunities, Programs, NCCP News and more! 

Programs and Resources Rowan’s Law – Designated Person information, FAQs and more! Did you know? All Rowan’s Law regulations are in effect for the upcoming sport seasons.  

Find all the resources and tools you need as coach to help manage concussions.  With support from the Government of Ontario, CAO is please to share BRAND-NEW resources made just for you: – A comprehensive webinar on being the Designated Person under Rowan’s Law with subject matter experts from Parachute Canada, the Rowan’s Law Advisory Committee, Sport Law, and Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital Concussion Centre – Answers to Frequently Asked Questions from coaches on Rowan’s Law and the being the Designated Person
 – A Removal-from-Play-Protocol Tool
 – And more to come!
 #ThanksCoach for making sport safer in Ontario by reviewing the Coaches’ Concussion Toolkit.Check out the new Resources Now
Empowering Stories from Behind the Bench Article Series
This month’s Empowering Stories from Behind the Bench article series highlights two outstanding basketball coaches from our Jumpstart Into Coaching mentorship program for aspiring youth coaches. Hailing from opposite ends of the City of Toronto, they are both making an incredible impact by using the power of sport to connect with youth in high-risk communities.

Kwame Otchere“I don’t take it lightly. I feel that I have made progress, but there will continue to be a lot more to get done. It’s all about life and making it better for younger people.”Read Kwame’s Story

Trevaun Douglas“I’m always looking to make someone’s life better whether it’s being around for conversations or just showing that I care, and I can help change their trajectory in life.”Read Trevaun’s Story

Save the Date: National Volunteer Week April 16 – 22, 2023. Refer a Coach and you could WIN a $100 gift card!  This year we are excited to participate in National Volunteer Week (NVW) to offer training and information to recruit new coaches across Ontario.  To celebrate and recruit some new coaches to the bench, we will be offering FREE NCCP Make Ethical Decisions and Fundamental Movement Skills courses to brand new Ontario coaches.  Free courses will be available for registration beginning April 16, 2023 Refer a coach to receive free NCCP training and you will be entered to win one of six $100 Petro Canada gas cards! Just have the coach you refer drop your name and email address into their registration form. Save the Date to Refer a Coach

Coaching AwardsThe Ontario Coaching Excellence Awards are September 16, 2023. Nominations open soon!Find Out More

BIPOC MentorshipBIPOC Coaches can apply to work one-on-one with a mentor for FREE. 
Apply Now

Anti-Racism courseThis informative and important module is FREE. Coaches get 1 PD point.
Take the Training
Share CAO Master List sign-upPlease help us share the work CAO does with your fellow coaches, clubs and staff. Share our Master List sign-up today.Sign up for CAO Master List

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