VIRTUAL Track and Field Challenge Information End Tomorrow!
June 10, 2021 by admin
Filed under Provincial and Territorial News
VIRTUAL Track and Field Challenge Information!
May 27, 2021Category ASAA News and InformationUpdate: The deadline for this contest has been changed to June 11, 2021 at 11:59 pm
The Alberta Schools’ Athletic Association (ASAA) is holding a VIRTUAL Track & Field Challenge for students across Alberta!
Student-athletes have experienced more than a year of hurdles in their training and competition goals. Now, students across the province have an opportunity to compete (virtually) in a track & field challenge! Junior and senior high school students, along with coaches and mascots, are submitting their best performances in running, jumping, and throwing events from the comfort and safety of their local field or backyard.
Students will use the website and app to share their performances and see how well their competitors are doing. They can compete from anywhere – at school or at home – so that nobody is left out. Just like in a typical ASAA Track & Field championship, there are categories for para-athletes and Special Olympics Unified Sports teams. Prizes will be awarded to schools with the highest percentage of students participating.
The virtual challenge started on May 15 and will run until June 11, 2021.
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