Wade Hamer Challenge Cup Alumni Participants Needed!

November 5, 2024 by  
Filed under Canadian Sport Features

Yellowknife – St. Pat’s and Sir John Franklin high schools are proud to announce that this year’s Wade Hamer Challenge Cup is the 40th Anniversary of the game!

As part of how we are honouring this momentous occasion, we are having an ALUMNI 3 on 3 challenge!

If you have ever played in a Wade Hamer Challenge Cup game – as a student or staff – you are invited to join in and play!

The game is being held on November 19th (one day before this year’s Wade Hamer Challenge Cup which happens on November 20th) from 5:30-8pm on the Ed Jeske ice.

If you would like to participate, or want some more information on the Alumni challenge, please contact Rob Hart at

Spread the word folks; this is going to be AWESOME!!!!!!

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