YSAA Super Volleyball Final League Standings

October 31, 2021 by  
Filed under Provincial and Territorial News

Supervolley Final Standings        

Senior Girls:

Gold: Vanier Catholic SS

Silver: F H Collins SS

Bronze: Porter Creek SS

Senior Boys:

Gold: F H Collins SS

Silver: Vanier Catholic SS

Bronze: Port Creek Secondary School

Grade 7 Volleyball


Gold: Christ the KIng

Silver: Christ the King

Bronze: Holy Familty


Gold: Holy Family

Silver: Christ the King

Bronze: Hidden Valley

We completed the Senior Supervolley championships as well! On Friday November 5th Vanier Secondary School were crowned the champions of the girls division and FH Collins Sr. Boys won their division. The boys had a tightly contested semi-final and final, as both games went to the full five sets and each set was within a few points.

Elementary championships finished on Saturday. The girls championship team were from Holy Family School and the boys team was from Christ the King Elementary School.

We are waiting to hear when we can finish up the volleyball season for the secondary schools, this year we expected six communities outside of Whitehorse to be represented. Fingers crossed that we can finish before Christmas but with COVID we have to sit tight, continue practicing, and wait on the cases to be more manageable.

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