MHSAA Athletes of the Week – Oct 22, 2013

November 7, 2013 by  
Filed under Provincial and Territorial News

Athletes of the Week – October 22, 2013

belman-mackicBelmin Mackic

The Home Run Sports Urban Athlete of the Week is Belmin Mackic of the Dakota Lancers Cross Country Team.
This 5’7″ runner was the SCAC JV boys champion and helped lead the Lancers to the JV Boys SCAC team Championship as well. He then went onto capture the boys overall individual gold at the Provincial Cross Country Championships. Coach Christy Capner states, “Belmin is a hard working student who is passionate about running. He dedicated his summer to training, and also spent some time competing at the national level. Belmin is a leader on the course not only because of his speed, but by the way he leads his team in preparation for races. His hard work definitely paid off this season”. This grade 10 student maintains a 75% average, and also participates in soccer & track & field.

sarah-lyleSarah Lyle

The Tri-Star Rural High School Athlete of the Week is Sarah Lyle of the Stonewall Rams Soccer Team.
This 5’3″ stopper and central midfielder was named the Most Valuable Player after she helped lead her Rams team to victory at the Provincial Rural Soccer Championships. Sarah was a solid defensive shut down presence as the Rams claimed their second provincial title in four years, and third in team history. “Sarah’s quiet strength and determination has a calming effect on our team in many pressure situations. She helped to shut down numerous offensive threats from opposing teams, especially Beausejour in the finals”, stated coach Charlie Cooke. In grade 10, Sarah maintains an 88% average

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