OFSAA Winter Newsletter

UPCOMING KEY DATES FOR 2021FEBRUARY 4:  Executive Council Meeting 3:30 pm (Zoom)
FEBRUARY 15:  Deadline: Motions Due For Annual General Meeting
MARCH 24-26:  The OFSAA Student Forum
APRIL 15:  Deadline – OFSAA Alumni Scholarship Submissions
APRIL (Dates TBD):  Annual General Meeting (Zoom)
APRIL 30:  Deadline – Character Athlete Award Submissions


Do you have a great lesson, drill, or activity that you would love to share with your peers? Sign up and share today! Just click here for more details. Sessions to be made available in French also. The OFSAA Café offers a variety of curricular and co-curricular sessions for high school educators. The 20-30 minute free online workshops aim to increase knowledge in several areas of school sport while exposing unconventional sports, alternative teaching methods and current issues in schools.

Win individual or team prizes and the Grand Prize of an 8 foot Scoring Table for your school courtesy of The Scoreboard Man! Visit our website here and our social media channels for the latest challenges beginning the week of February 11. Challenge descriptions available in french also.

GATORADE PARTNERSHIPOFSAA has entered a three-year agreement with Pepsico Beverages Canada, to have
Gatorade as the “Official Sports Drink” for Boys’ and Girls’ Basketball, Hockey and Soccer Championships. Gatorade is a leading food and beverage manufacturing and distribution company and we are excited for this partnership. Learn more about Gatorade here.

OFSAA is pleased to offer this scholarship in 2021 to student-athletes pursuing post-secondary education. Based on rotation, students may apply from the following associations: COSSA, TDCAA, GHAC, NCSSAA, CISAA and NWOSSAA. The application deadline is April 15. Please visit our website here to learn about the criteria and application process. CROSS COUNTRY & TRACK & FIELD COACHES
Don’t forget about the world-class educational curriculum being offered by ALTIS. High jump, short sprints, pole vault, sprint hurdles and so much more! Find out about these Digital Education courses here.

Don’t miss out on the all-in PD online experience for Athletic Directors on April 21-24. The conference offers a mixture of content and networking opportunities in this fifth annual event. Bob McKenzie (TSN) and John O’Sullivan (Changing The Game Project) are confirmed as guest speakers. Check out the event brochure here.

Congratulations to the Ottawa Catholic School Board, Holy Trinity Football and Ottawa HS Football for orchestrating a virtual football coaching clinic featuring high school and U Sports coaches! Over 280 coaches from 100 plus Ontario high schools are attending! Starting February 4th, four sessions covering many football coaching categories, are scheduled each week. The clinic concludes February 25. Registration closed on January 27.

“Dedication Leads To Opportunity” for one student-athlete in our latest podcast episode. Mallory Mackesy, 16 sheds light on her backyard workouts and her future field hockey and schooling plans. All episodes are at Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you like to go for podcasts. More information can be found by licking

The SHOP is your destination for cool, OFSAA-branded clothing. Visit here
Your feedback is important to us. If there are any topics, individuals deserving recognition, or areas of OFSAA information that you would like to see featured in future newsletters, please don’t hesitate to contact
Pat Park in our office at

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